A Miscellany of Baker Perkins’ Bits and Pieces

Machine Nameplates

  1. Joseph Baker & Sons machine nameplate.

  2. Werner Pfleiderer & Perkins machine nameplate.

  3. Early Baker Perkins machine nameplate. This style of machinery plate was used, with only minor alterations, from 1923 to 1962.

  4. Late–1960s Baker Perkins machine nameplate. This style of plate was introduced at the time that Industrial Designers were first employed by Baker Perkins.

  5. Baker Perkins Chemical Machinery Ltd machine nameplate. The post-1962 style was used by all the Group’s subsidiaries, ensuring a consistency of image where more than one subsidiary served one of the Group’s key target markets

  6. Early Baker Perkins machine nameplate.

The design of the Company’s machine nameplates was just one of the methods used to project a desired image in the marketplace. Great efforts were made to present an attractive, coherent and consistent corporate identity and this changed, at times subtly, at others significantly, as the confidence in its abilities and market standing grew.

This corporate identity was carried through all of the Company’s paperwork – both internal and external, see – here.

Baker Perkins in Wartime

Laundry Equipment

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