The twin-screw food extrusion machinery business moved, with the rest of the food division, from Saginaw to Poplarwood Ct., Raleigh, N.C. in 1982. In the following year, the offices and laboratories of the staff concerned with food extrusion systems were relocated to new premises in North Boulevard, Raleigh.

In August 1984 it was announced that the Raleigh, North Carolina based Food Extrusion group would report to the Biscuit & Confectionery Division of Baker Perkins Ltd., Peterborough.The North American Food Extrusion group would continue at the existing location and with existing operational arrangements. Baker Perkins Chemical Co. (BPCM), at Stoke-on-Trent would continue to manufacture twin-screw food extruders up to and including 100mm.

On April 1st 1986, Baker Perkins FES Inc, moved out of Raleigh and re-located to Grand Rapids, Michigan, close to the Werner Lehara facility to "allow us to command additional resources in system design, manufacturing and service. Our customers will have access to the food extrusion test centre, pilot plant facility and the new confectionery technology centre".

To Be Continued

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